Chicago has the highest sales tax in the country- seriously ridiculous. However, the trade off is all the amazing, cool free shows, fireworks and concerts through the year. Last week was the showing of Psycho in the middle of Grant Park; thousands of people bring blankets, a picnic and bottles of wine to watch the big screen outside with the city lights in the background. Super fun experience!
With 30-some people in our group, the only way to go is a potluck picnic. My contribution was an Orange Wild Rice Salad. Wild rice is so nutty, flavorful and nutritious (technically not a rice, but a water seed), yet rarely used!
I love it and am hoping my Mom reads this and sends me more from the great state of Minnesota (hint, hint).
The salad was a huge hit; but not actually planning to post this recipe I didn't write down the ingredients until days later. So just remember it's a salad and the ingredient listing below will get you close. Have fun with it- if you like different nuts, change it! If you want to add a spoon of muster for a little snap, do it. Do whatever works for you. And since there isn't any mayo in this it's a great salad for hot days. Toss it together the day before (wait to add the nuts so they don't get soggy) and your picnic day is set to be easy, simple and fat and happy!
Orange Balsamic Wild Rice Salad
3-4 cups of cooked wild rice
Since wild rice takes about 45 minutes of simmering, make the wild rice according to the package first. When finished, set aside to cool.
While that is simmering, toast:
1 cup mixture of sunflower seeds, almonds, pecans. Set aside
Then sautee just to soften, do not not cook more than a few minutes:
1 tbls olive oil
1 tbls butter
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup each, chopped orange and yellow pepper

1 small shallot, sliced
1 tbls dried thyme
Set aside to cool.
Orange Balsamic Vinaigrette:
Whisk together:
1 cup orange juice
zest of 1 orange
1-2 Tbls of lemon juice
1/4- 1/2 cup of Pomegranate balsamic (plain balsamic is fine)
2 Tbls honey
salt and fresh ground pepper
While continuing to whisk, drizzle in, to emulsify the dressing:
1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil (I used a walnut olive oil for even more nutty flavor!)
Add to the vinaigrette:
2 Tbls finely diced shallots
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 Tbls chopped mint
2 Tbls chopped fresh oregano
2 Tbls chopped fresh thyme
1 orange, segmented
1/2 chopped dried cherries
Combine the wild rice, the sauteed onion mixture, the toasted nuts and the vinaigrette.
Serve immediately or let sit up to one day for the flavors to meld.